Enhancing Access Learning Exchange
OVC’s Enhancing Access project encourages all grantees and their sub-recipients to participate in individualized technical assistance and community learning. Through meetings, webinars, and site visits, we provide grantees with many opportunities to engage with the program and the larger grantee community. The Learning Exchange Meetings are quarterly, virtual meetings for all collaborations. Learning Exchange Meetings are designed to help grantees develop foundational skills and explore critical conversations about the needs of survivors of crime with disabilities, Deaf and hard of hearing, and LEP survivors.
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You can complete the evaluation survey when the text is brown and underlined.
You can add an event to your personal calendar by clicking on “Google Calendar” or “ICS” (Internet Calendar Scheduling).
We will hold meetings on Zoom video conferencing. If you do not have the Zoom application downloaded, you may download it by pressing the button on this page that says, “Download Zoom”.
August Learning Exchange
Grantee Showcase
We want to learn from you!
During this learning exchange, we encourage grantees to share information about their organization, the communities they serve, promising practices, and lessons learned thus far on the Enhancing Access grant.
Navigating the Information Highway: Creating Accessible Materials
Victim Service Providers (VSPs) interact with survivors in numerous ways and environments, including the information environment. The information environment encompasses all the ways in which we collect, process, provide, understand, and act on information.
During this learning exchange, Aquia Pusch and Sandra Harrell will discuss how victims with disabilities and Deaf and hard-of-hearing victims interact with the information environment, including barriers experienced. Additionally, during this learning exchange, participants will be provided with best practices when reviewing their organization’s informational environment and creating accessible materials.
Supporting Haitian Victims of Crime
During this learning session, Anne Piervil and Daphnie Guillaume, from Florida Legal Services, will discuss the impact of Senate Bill 1718 in Florida and providing culturally relevant and competent services to Haitian victims of Crime.
Raising the Ceiling: Universally Providing Language Access to Victims of Crime
The lack of trauma-informed language-accessible services is a significant barrier for some of the most isolated and marginalized victims of crime, often leading to re-victimization and traumatization of victims by the systems of response and support that are supposed to help them. Additionally, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires recipients of federal funds to ensure meaningful language access to individuals with limited English proficiency. In this session, Cannon will provide an overview of language access planning, trauma-informed language access, and considerations when using AI and other technologies for interpreting and translation.
New Grantee Gathering Day 2
On day two of our New Grantee Gathering, Activating Change staff will provide training on providing effective services for victims with disabilities and Deaf victims. We will also review what you can expect from your technical assistance providers, including a schedule of upcoming events. Finally, you will have an opportunity to download contact information for your fellow grantees and explore the grantee portal. Once again, we will also provide ample opportunities for you to engage with other grantees in your cohort through networking activities.
New Grantee Gathering Day 1
On day one of our New Grantee Gathering, we will provide an overview of the Enhancing Access Grant Program and the key expectations for grantees. Our partner, API-GBV, will also be presenting on language justice and considerations for language access in your services. Finally, Activating Change staff will provide a session on wellness and self-care. In addition to these learning opportunities, we will provide several opportunities for you to learn more about the other grantee communities in your cohort through networking exercises.